Saturday, October 10, 2015


Hi guys, today's blogpost is kinda talking things. I've been busy with works and spending lots of my time in the office doing overtime that didn't even paid. Salary's been delayed for a while, everybody in the office is kinda mad, and nobody can do anything about it. We're just being stressed out and feeling hopeless with the fact that our work didn't even paid off. The boss kept making excuses that with the fact that client didn't give him payment which giving him reason not to pay us salary. Bugger! And the worst part is tons of the employee have came and gone for few batches and it just kept repeating.

Well, enough complaining. I'm sorry about all the complain though but I just need somewhere where I can let out my thought and stressfulness. Sometimes I think I spend most of my time watching youtube video and just recently I realised I enjoyed watching tons of blogs. It just felt real and kinda like expressing day and yourself in more genuine kinda way. I can watch blog videos for straight 12 hours or sometimesI also let it playing in the background while I'm doing other things, it just kept me company and I feel less stressful.

I still remember when my friend used to ask me how can I multitasking, but well the answer is most of the time when I'm doing something, I don't really pay attention on the video itself, but I still listen to it. It's like somebody's talking to me and share their life. Then one of my friend even teased me saying that I'm too lonely and need some kinda company by watching vlog, and maybe that's true and I'm not denying anything because I definitely enjoy that.

I used to only listen to music but nowadays I felt like I don't tend to listen to it that often anymore and  just recently I'm attached to Podcast and I have been listening to it every single day whenever I'm out and about. It's very interesting and sometimes can be quiet educational. Listening to podcast or even just people talking make me focus more if I can say that, but it just allows me to listen. Sometimes I find that people forgot to listen and when just talk. And when you're talking basically you just repeating the same thing but when you open your mind and ear to listen, you may learn something new.

Like me, as a new vegan, maybe sometime feeling unmotivated, then I'll go and look up for some vegan channel to watch/ listen to. Other day I may feel sad or upset, then I'll look up for some interesting comedian channel to cheer me up.  It's kinda what I'm feeling like listening to at the moment. It's now been my favorite kinda routine and I intend to keep it that way.

Well, that's my rant for this gloomy Saturday, it's a slow start of a day for me today. My head is still pounding from the drink I had last night. Hope what I have actually did make any sense and I'm not just sort of whatever rubbish alcohol thoughts.

Happy Saturday!


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