Ladies, how many times have you waking up and finding your hair was so frizzy, tangled and just a mess? You most likely hate it when it comes to those situation especially you got your important meeting to attend. Well, I did suffer from those kind of situation, but through out the times I have found a few tricks that helped me deal with my hair and rock those bed head.
Since I'm a night shower, I always shampoo my hair at night so that I had more time to cuddle with my bed. I am also the kind of person who dislike the first day hair where your hair is so smooth silky and also untameable because they'll just flying every where.
Whenever I wash my hair, I'd like to foamed up the shampoo on my palm really well and working it from the back of my ear all the way up to the crown of my head while massaging to keep the blood flowing. I try not to wash the end of the hair too much, I just rinse the shampoo and let it run through my hair and clean itself. After that I'll going in with conditioner and hair mask and leave it for as long as I can. Since my hair is pretty damage after coloring. I try to pat my hair dry first very gently so it won't get so tangled and messy. I'd like to brush my hair out with a wide tooth comb from bottom and work my way up to avoid breakage or hairfall.
Usually I always let it airdry after washing my hair. I try to avoid heat as much as I can. But if I'm just so tired and just couldn't wait until it dries (Believe me, I have those days), I will speed up the process with my blow dryer and flipping my hair upside down.
When my hair is around mid-dry or slight damp , I usually put it in a bun above my head or braids and sleep with it. I only need to take the bun/ braid out the next morning, and it'll leave me with soft wavy curl. I also find it makes my hair easier to style and less frizzy. I'd like to mess up the curl a little bit until I'm happy with the way the curls look, I'll just run some hair oil and texturizing hair spray to keep them in place.
And of course you can also always throw it into a bun! :)
These are a few ways that I have been doing to my hair, and I can say it at least has safe me a couple of minutes try to manage my hair and make it somewhere presentable.
I hope it helps. If you guys try these tips out, let me know if it works.
Thanks to Lindsay from Casper for inspiring me to come up with this post.

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