Saturday, October 12, 2013


TADA! Yeah! After long times of waiting, I'm thrilled that new season of The Vampire Diaries finally here. Omg! It's real and it's totally great in the story line, okay I'm not saying that the previous story is not great, but it's REALLY great!

I first started watched Vampire Diaries about 3 years ago, I was in school break, and I was bored. Then I asked my friend if he had something nice to watch. Then he gave me a whole hard drive that full of movies, TV dramas, whether it's in American, British, Korean, Japan, and Taiwanese. What a great way to fill my day. I totally just spend my whole day watching all of that.

There, I started watched Vampire Diaries, my friend had the full episode of season 1, so finished all of it just in 2 days. It really got me addicted. I started watched online for the season 2, 3, 4. I even got my roomie to watch and she also addicted to it. We used to discuss about it every Friday. For those who haven't watch it yet, go watch it now! It was really good.

It was about a teen girl, Elena who was in a middle of 2 vampire siblings, Stefan and Damon. Both sibling are in love with her, in which relating to their past lover who look just like Elena named Katherine Pierce. There are a lot supernatural in town where they live, Mystic Fall like Vampires, Witches, Werewolves, Vampire Hunter, and even Hybrid. Tons of things happen to them where they want to protect Elena and others.

In the Season 4 left hanging, Elena chose Damon over Stefan and Stefan suffering in the water after Silas backed. Bonnie died and bring back Jeremy. Which leading to Season 5, Elena and Caroline are going to college, but still have no ideas that Bonnie was dead. Silas is back in the form of Stefan and searching for Katherine who now is a human. Stefan was able to escape from the water but losing his humanity. So, Damon and Elena are trying to find and help him.

Now I only have watched until second episode, and I really can't wait for the the next episode. :D

Okay! This is the new TV series which based on the story of The Vampire Diaries. For you guys who watched Vampire Diaries until season 4, you may know the Original Vampire, Klaus, Elijah and Rebecca was leaving Mystic Fall and went to place where they once called home, New Orleans. Klaus was lured to go back by the witch and found out that he had a child with Hayley. Things are different in the city now, Marcel who was a vampire created by Klaus runs the city. Klaus was furious to find out about that, and figuring to find out a way to bring down Marcel and also fulfill the wishes from the witch for the sake Hayley and his baby. 

Honestly this TV series is a real success as well. It is a spin-off series of Vampire Diaries which is based on Mikaelson's family, the original Vampire. 
I have watched the first two episode, and i'm really impressed with the storyline. Totally can't wait for the next episode! Yeah! 

Btw, I watched this series online from here .

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