Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Little Sweet Obsession : STRAWBERRY

Recently, I have been craving with something sweet. But I know sweet stuff doesn't really good for your health and actually have too much of sugar in your diet might cause breaking out. So, few weeks back I saw my little nephew was eating strawberry ice cream , which actually homemade and I kinda attracted me. (It was good though). His babysitter was making him strawberry ice cream and give me a bite, and I was blown away. It totally taste exactly like ice cream but with more watery consistency, but either way it taste yummy.

Ever since then everytime I went to fresh market, I always bought 1 kg of strawberry. I know it's a lot, but it keep me company for 1-2 weeks. :)

This morning I tried make a strawberry smoothies, and it turned out pretty nice. I ate it with my leftover Dunkin Donut and some cut strawberries, and yeah, I do read while I'm eating. It just happened to be my habit. :)

1 Handful of Strawberry
Soymilk (I use homemade soymilk that I made from soybean) * recipe will be coming up soon :)
Ice cubes

Put all the ingredient into the blender and mix it all up!

Strawberry are full of nutrients and rich in antioxidants. They also lower blood pressure and protect your heart. Packed with essential vitamins and mineral, they are also sodium, cholesterol and fat free.

Benefits of strawberry:

- Helps to burn stored fat : The red coloring in strawberry contains anthocyanins, which stimulate the burning of stored fat.

Boost short term memory : The anthocyanins boost short term memory by 100 percent in eight weeks.

Anti Aging : Strawberries are filled with biotin, which helps build strong hair and nails and also tons of antioxidant which prevent aging.

Weight Loss :  Strawberry promotes blood flow and oxygen in our body, which is great for weight loss.

Low in calories- High in Fibre : One cup contains only 54 calories.

Lower Cardiovascular disease : Strawberry helps in lower the risk for heart disease.

Promote eye health : Research showed eating 3 or more serving of fruit like strawberries lower the risk of macular degeneration which known as a condition resulting in vision loss.

Try add them in your diet, your body will loving it! :)



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