Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A little Attemption

When Valentine's day is around the corner, I find myself always relate anything that I do with this lovely day. Hmm, basically almost everything. Yeah... I know I'm just weird like that. But bare with me with this one, I can guarantee you that there are good ones. :)

For those who don't know, I'm a total lover for breakfast. I never skip breakfast and I enjoy eating breakfast. I believe breakfast the most important meal of the day. One of my most favorite breakfast is PANCAKE! I enjoy making them as much as I enjoy eating them. 

Today I tried to make myself 2 ingredients pancake, probably the easiest. Just banana and eggs. Likewise, I tried to shaped into a heart shape, but somethings went wrong when I flipped it. The shapes when wrong. Yeahh... I gotta be honest. I freaked out a little bit. I think sometimes things just aren't go as we think it will.
At the end, I kinda turned it into more like "SCRAMBLED" pancake. Put a few garnish here and there, I was quite relieved. It looks pretty and also taste really delicious. 

What do you think it is?
Yeah! It's a jello. More importantly it's a Choco-orange jello! 
I love eating dessert, and jello is obviously one of them. I found this cute little heart mug and totally perfect for Valentine. 

Valentine is three more days away, you guys excited?

1 comment

  1. these look so yummy! except Id have to swap the oranges as the smell of them makes me vom!
    Lizzy | elizabethsophiee x


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