Monday, March 3, 2014


If you guys follow my twitter, you might know that I have been tweeting the smoke that has been covering up place where I lived, and no jokes guys... It was hideous! They're all over the town because there are few place caught on fire and it was really bad. It literally makes me so hard to breath, in a bad way. Because of that, I have been staying home, eat healthy and also exercise.

Eating well is a key to stay alive in this time around. I've been really enjoying cooking myself so today I wanted to share my favorite vegetable soup that good for your health and also works for vegan. Super easy and yummy!

Ingredients: (4-5 serving) 
- 1 long carrot
- 2 medium  sweet potatoes
- 1 medium size tomato
- 1 cup of bean sprouts
- 3-4 of pre-soaked Shiitake mushroom
- 1/2 sweet onion
- 1/2 small red onion
- 5 cloves of garlic
- 1 minced ginger
- Handful of pre-soaked cloud ear fungus
- Handful of pre-soaked of tofu skin.
- Chopped scallion
- Mild tasted chili
- Limes
- Green leaves of choice
- Salt and pepper to taste
(You can add or substitute the ingredients, the choice are endless)

- Prepare all the ingredients
- In a pan, saute the shiitake mushroom with some oil and garlic.
- Add ginger, garlic, red onion, sweet onion, chili , then cook until tender
- In another pan with boiled water, combine the sweet potatoes, carrots and cloud ear fungus, let it cook  for    1-2 minutes
- Add the rest of ingredients.
- Also add the rest that spices that have been saute before.
- Add salt and pepper to taste.
- Bring it to boil and simmer to another 7-8 minutes until all the vegetable are tender.

Health Benefit:
- Sweet potatoes are high in Vitamin B6, C, D and good source of iron also magnesium. It help prevent            heart attack, and good for the skin.
- Cloud Ear Fungus is high in iron, protein, fat, vitamin, polysaccharide and other mineral. It help enrich            blood and prevent cancer.
- Bean sprout are high in fiber, fatty acid and other mineral. It's super inexpensive!
- Shiitake mushroom helps prevent heart disease and lower cholesterol. It also strengthen immune system.
- And... other countless health benefit :p

It's super healthy and also good for those who are vegan. It's super yummy and filling as well.
I can't wait for some sunlight!



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