Thursday, May 15, 2014


You know when you had free time and had no clue what you gonna do, that's when most of my art side comes to life. I had quite a few shopping bag from God knows where, but basically it's a simple bag with some cigarette logo which just looks unpleasant. So, let's fame it up!!

Material and Tools needed :
- Any kind of old shopping bag
- Arcylic Paint, color of choice ( I used black, white and primary color )
- Paint Brush
- Paint Sponge
- Glove
- Newspaper

If you don't wanna ended with a big mess paint all our your work space (like me), place some newspaper. It definitely safe you some cleaning to do. Since I had an ugly logo, I decided to paint it black first so I have a blank canvas to start off.
Draw your own creation or either find some picture online. I found this online and I thought I would be cool to use. First I draw the outline of the shape first using a white paint, then filled them up with color. I switched to sponge because I find it easier to color them. Don't worry if your color is not too perfect because you might need few coat to get the desire vibrant colors but make sure to let it dry before you move on to the next coat. I also go back and use the black paint to fix the imperfection around the edges.
Also I ended up doing a couple more.

 Honestly I was quite happy with the result. It's personalize and one of a kind (you know how I feel about that). Now I can go out with this shopping bag without those big ugly cigarette logo. 
Although the texture of it might looks a little off, but for me I like it better that way. It feels homemade and also I can feel like I've accomplished something. It's also a fun way to do with kids, right? 

So, what do you think guys? Which one do you like most?



1 comment

  1. It's such a great idea to paint your old shopping bags! I love it, you're very talented Fretty :)


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