This illustration was originally created by someone but I can't really remember the name of the artist. I really like this illustration of bird and feather. I love birds, they fly up high in the sky with no boundaries. I've alwasy wanted to have those kind of feeling and always wondering how is the feels of flying in the sky? I do hope I had wings. Probably it would be a great super power if I had one.
Some of you guys probably realize that I has been rarely posting blogs.Well, these past month I been really busy with works and moving house. If you guys haven't already know, I have been in Indonesia for couple months and unemployed, but good news is I found a job as an interior designer in Malaysia. It was exhausting! But now that I have settled down, its gonna be like turning a new leaf for myself. I'm gonna posting more regularly in the future.
I found this quotes as I walk to my office, what a great word!

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