Monday, November 3, 2014

A little Update

It's November already! Where has times gone? I know it's been a while since the last time I wrote a blog. First off I'm just gonna start off with a word "Sorry" for being gone for that long. There has been some ups and downs during that time with works, friends, families, and just life in general. I just got carried away but I'm back and I'm definitely gonna fill you guys in with what's been happening as I go along. :)

Secondly, I didn't blog doesn't mean I didn't miss blogging. I definitely enjoy blogging as much as I enjoy reading them. I've been really into fitness and healthy lifestyle lately. I've always wanted to living healthy lifestyle but sometimes I just got distracted with lots of temptation around me. But I tried to make a routine and share the progress to my blog so I can keep track of myself and also share my journey.

I've been enjoying reading some health and fitness blog like TheSkinnyConfidential , LydiaEliseMillen, OhSheGlows and TheBlondeVegan which has been given me so much motivation. They share some of the most interesting health, and fitness also healthy recipes content, not only that their blog just really caught of my alley. I've been really enjoying reading their blog a lot, literally 24/7. Obsession!

Let's hope this routine would stay on more that one week, which I usually do (not proud). Guys, let's do this together! We're in this together!! :)



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