It's easy sometimes to get stuck in busy life and and find yourself get too overflow with works or other matter that might bothering you. People said "You can't have better tomorrow if you can't stop thinking and worrying about yesterday", which is so true. Sometimes it's just a need of stop and refresh button i order for you to get a new mind to face what upon you.
One of my new year resolution this year is to go outside more often, exploring the world, see the world, interact with other living creatures, connecting myself to the nature where I came from and belong to. The world is big, too big to explore everywhere and satisfied my curiosity. I find myself easily got lost and trapped with life, feeling unmotivated and getting outside and being contact with nature really helps me getting through my rough time. Breath the nature air, feel the wind, see the nature. It all brings me joy.
I believes everyone's eyes are different. We see, feel and experience things differently. Your eyes can be a lens where see the world that others might even see. Be adventurous, be creative, be spectacular. I personally like to see the world in many ways, through my eyes, my ear, my nose, and every sense in my body. See them, feel them, capture them. Your camera may project anther different kind of perspective.
Be adventurous, be curious, be fearless! The world are there for us to explore. Don't waste any of your time, make every second of your life counts, build yourself. Find your true self within you. It's inside there somewhere, you just have to find it. It can be anything, new friends, new activities, new hobby, new experiences.
I'm still working my way through it, and if you are also, then we're in this together.
Let me know your experience in the comment and we can share all our experiences together.

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