WEAR. Since my hair is quiet short now, I'm kinda tired of the whole toss messy hair kinda look. I realize having messy hair on bare face is not a good combination at all when my friend commented that I just look like I just rolled out of my bed (in a bad way though). So I have been putting a some extra seconds to my hair by putting it in braids and add some curls. It looks much more put together and can be worn both feminine and edgy. Tutorial coming soon.
MAKE. I have been loving eating pancake recently especially when I know how to make vegan, gluten free, refined sugar free, and totally guilt free version. (recipe here). It tasted so good and for the past weeks I have been eating them quiet constantly. Now I have been thinking of different kinda way to make it more interesting.
WATCH. Last week I went to the movie and watched "Insurgent" (watch trailer here). It's the second installment from the film Divergent to continuing the journey of Tris and Four after running from Erudite. The second film was so good, I prefer it more than the first one, more action, more climax and more fighting. One thing I wanna mention though is the fact I adore Shailene Woodley with her hair short so much. She looks stunning, not to mention her tone fit body. The entire film, I was looking at her body wishing to get those back muscle.
DISCOVER. I have quiet pretty busy this week but I did manage to slot in my time for some relaxation time by visiting the beach. I went to the "Punggol Waterway Park" since it's just close by my jobsite. I think I love beach more day anything. I just love the mixing sound and smell both water and wind. Walking by the beach by the sunrise/ sunset just the most calming thing I have ever experience. Just letting all the the stress go. Sometimes I bike along the sea and enjoy some fresh air.
Finally, having a nice Easter and enjoy the weekend!

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