I really enjoy summer, especially the fact that sun is up so early in the morning and it just felt nice, I almost wish it's summer all year around. I've always been a morning person, waking up early, start my morning spotify playlist, prepare my morning fuel, workout, and start my day. But having extra hours in the morning is even better means I got more things done and I can have some me time in the morning.
Although morning is always the best, but night time is also my favourite pamper time. In summer, night time can be very hot and uncomfortable to get relaxed. Here are some tips and trick to get the best night for summer:
1. Turn the heat down
I always turned on my AC once I stepped in the room and let the temperature to cool down while I prepare myself to bed. Your room will be nice and cool once you get out of the shower.
2. Shower/Bath time.
I'm a 100% quick shower kinda person, but occasionally I would also like to pamper myself by having a long warm bath and giving extra care to my skin. Sometimes I like to add on some essential oil and epsom salt to help with my muscle pain.
3. Skincare routine.
It usually start with me taking of my makeup with extra virgin coconut oil and massage into my skin for couple minutes. Then I will wash it off with damp warm wash cloth.
4. Teaaaa.
Tea is a must for me. I always start and end my day with a cup of tea. I have a whole stash of tea in my cupboard, it's kinda embarrassing. I'm thinking of doing my tea collection in the future.
5. Having nice bedding.
Now, it's time for bed. I love having nice bedding to sleep in. For the last couple weeks, I was lucky to stay in the hotel room and enjoy nice bedding every single day which now make me realise I need nice bedding. Recently I found Parachute, a luxury bedding company which provide nice quality bedding and home decor like candles, throws and totes. They have variety of amazing product, not gonna lie, I scroll through their page for 3 hours in the middle of night. Totally not kidding! Not forgetting to mention that they ship internationally. If you by any chance live in LA, you can drop by at their Venice Beach office to feel the fabric before ordering.
6. Lights off, bra off.
What's better way to sleep in with bra off and lights off??
Now, everything on my list has checked, time for me to sleep. Nite nite!
What's your favorite summer night routine?

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