It feel so long since the last time I share my love to you guys, i kinda feel I have so much to talk about. But I am gonna keep the post sweet and shortly explained.
DISCOVER. I have been exploring Singapore quiet a bit recently, trying to force myself to go out more often. So me and my friend did a lot of museum hopping trying to be discover more artistic items and works. I totally helps calm my brain and reset my mind to whole new perspective. I do believe we all see art in different way, and funny story to tell, when me and my friend both see one of the abstract painting, and we just stand there telling each other about what our first impression. I guess visiting art museum has stole some spot in my heart, totally gonna do this more often.
WEAR. I have never been a huge fan of choker nit until recently when I started wearing one. I've always thought that since I have such huge face, chocker is just gonna accentuate my round face. Well, honestly it probably did, but I just love wearing those, especially when pairing them with off shoulders. I'm literally obsessed.
WATCH. How am I gonna start explain this one? Hmm... (trying to not get all emotional). But seriously, if you guys haven't watch Me Before You, and you are fans of romantic movies, I highly recommend you guys go watch them. I have been waiting for this movie since January when the trailer first came out. Did I mention Emilia Clarke and Sam Cliffin? Both of my favourite cast in one, just perfection. And don't forget to prepare box of tissue when watching, guys! You have been warned!
LISTEN. Alongside with the movie, I have been playing all the soundtrack from Me Before You on repeat, I think I literally put the spotify playlist in the background when I am doing literally everything. I just can't stop!
LIFE. Life has been going crazy ups and down this past few weeks, I am still trying to cool myself down without getting myself overly stressed out. I think in the past weeks, I have experienced probably twice of sudden panic attack; not gonna lie, it's not fun. I was seriously feeling out of breath and very anxious.I have read a few articles about panic attack and anxiety in the past, so I tried to recall what it said and try to calm myself down. I think the hardest part is when you had it suddenly in public and it just burst out. I think because what happen on my jobs recently has cause it but I have been trying to listen to some chill music/ podcast to calm myself down. I also think when we listen to people talking about anxiety, it makes us feel a lot normal. I have been listening to a few such as from Zoella, Meghan Rinks. Thanks guys!
Hope you guys had a great weekend.

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