Monday, March 17, 2014


You probably know my huge obsession to PANCAKE! Yeah, my favorite breakfast ever. I love to make, and I love to eat it too. Yum! I've also try to make few varieties of pancakes so I son't get bored of. This time is beetroot. 

I've been trying to eat more healthy, and I know that beetroot is also really good to the skin so I think it might be a nice way to incorporate it into pancake. Although it kinda irritates me when it leaves my nails looking pinkish red. 
1 cup of oat flour (grind some oatmeal in blender/ food processor)
1 tbsp honey
1/2 cup of beet juice.
1 tsp of baking powder
1 tsp of baking soda
2 eggs
Combine all ingredients to reach some liquidy consistency and again just heat the non-stick pan with some oil then pour the batter in. After it starts bubbling then flip to the other side. 

It's definitely super yummy and my new love for this months. I've been making these a few times in a row this week. Also the leftover juice, don't waste! It's good for the skin too! :)

Health Benefit of Beetroot:

> Helps Cleanse Toxin and Excess Water from Body
It purifies the blood from within which gives healthy glowing skin keeping the skin hydrated. It also will gives a fair and glowing complexion 

> Contain Iron and Antioxidants
It benefits the skins from free radical and prevent wrinkle and fine lines. It also cure skin imflammations like acne and UV ray. 

> Contain many vitamins and minerals.
It contains carbohydrates, protein, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and Vitamin B and C which helps blood circulation leading to healthy skin.

> Improves Digestion Health. 
Beet juice perfectly good for cleanse the body and also boost body metabolism due to it's high in fiber. Drinking regularly can enhance energy and stamina to help body respond better to exercise.

Try them out, it's not only good for the tummy, it's also good for the body!

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