Monday, April 21, 2014


I thought I wanna share the roundup of my lifestyle favorite and squeeze it in a post. It could be food, fashion, TV show, art, to the most randomness in my life.

Fashion -- Recently I just purchase myself a pair of brown heels. They appear to be a bit distressed but I loved it and surprisingly I was quite comfortable although I have just wear it for couple hours. But I've been wearing them ever since and I really love it.

Food -- You probably have seen my self talking about my loves to pancakes. It's real and I couldn't say no to them. You can see some prove in here, here, and here. But recently I discovered a new method which to separate the egg white and beat them until become stiff soft peak then fold them with the mixture. It'll makes the pancake more fluffier. 

Hair -- I've been really been quite creative with my hair by doing braids for instant Milkmaid Braid and sweep side french braid. Little fact, the side braid actually inspired by Elsa from Frozen. :)

Travel -- Tomorrow I'll be going to Malaysia, and I'm so excited! I've never been in Malaysia since my graduation and I miss it. I also miss my friends there, so I'm gonna go and have a little gathering with them.

Random -- I'm probably the most out of date person in the entire world that I haven't watch "Frozen" yet. Recently I just watch it and omg! I'm still not over it yet. The story, soundtrack, animation and everything is just perfection. I also make a little drawing of Elsa. 

So those are some of my lifestyle favorites. Let me know what are your favorites? 




  1. This post is very good idea Fretty! I haven't seen Frozen yet, shame on me haha. Enjoy your trip in Malaysia :)

    1. Haha! You should watch it. I even have the soundtrack on my phone. :)


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