Wednesday, February 11, 2015


I heart breakfast. I might already said it like thousand times, but yeah I meant it. I can left my house without get my tank fuel. Not to mention breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I enjoy eating breakfast everyday, no matter how late I am, I still at least grab something to have on the go. There are a few breakfast that I enjoy making and having on day to day basis like classic easy oats, smoothies, toast, omelette to more time consuming pancake.
Have heard a word of  " Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dinner like a Pauper " ?
That's the kinda living concept I have been bringing into my lifestyle lately.
Breakfast provides the body and brain after overnight running fast. Without breakfast, you're literally letting your body on empty, basically like running on empty petrol.

I know that maybe the alarm snooze for too many times until we realized we only had like 5 mins out the door and not even bother to even think about any breakfast which ended up with very unhealthy choices. I still remember I always go for like big bowl of instant noodles or even skip breakfast instead went all out with lunch which definitely unhealthy.

Studies show that eating a healthy breakfast give more nutritionally complete energy which improved concentration and performance, provide more strength and endurance to engage in physical activities, and also can help lower cholesterol levels. Adding lean protein to your breakfast also help keep you feeling full longer until lunch lunchtime.

Some quick and healthy breakfast I like to make such as:
  • A veggie omelet and a piece of whole-wheat toast
  • Smoothie made with fruit and superfood powder
  • Salmon on whole-grain toast
  • Whole-grain cereal with fresh fruit and soymilk
  • Oatmeal made with soy milk, raisins and nuts, with fruits
  • Low-fat yogurt and a piece of fresh fruit
  • Yogurt smoothie and breakfast bar
  • Hard-boiled egg and a banana
  • Multi grain cake in a mug
  • A bowl of fruits
  • Whole grain pancake with honey and fruits
(Detox Smoothies with carrots, apple, cucumber, celery, and coconut water)

(Spirulina mini pancake with banana)

(Overnight oats with chiaseed, gojiberries, raspberry, banana, and granola)

(Old fashioned oatmeal with blueberries, blackberries, pineapple, banana, 
chiaseed, gojiberries and cinnamon)

(Spirulina protein waffle with bluberries)

 (Oat cake in a mug with apple, cinnamon and chiaseed)

(Mix of fruits)

 (Grilled salmon with mashed potato)

 (Lastly, not the healthiest, I still indulge sometimes, isn't cute?)

Easy right? Try to indulge these healthy food to your living and you can definitely feels difference in your life.
Let me know what is your favorite breakfast!

reakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dine like a Pauper - See more at:

"Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dine like a Pauper"

It's a well known phrase, but do you follow it?

During a busy morning, it's easy to let breakfast fall low in your list of priorities, but taking just a few minutes to have something to eat can really make a difference to your day. If you don't have time to eat before leaving the house, we have lots of breakfast ideas that can be eaten on-the-go or when you get to work.

Breakfast MuesliBreakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing

Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast - that's where its name originates, breaking the fast!  Without breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like trying to start the car with no petrol!
Nutritionists advise that breakfast should be eaten within two hours of waking and a healthy breakfast should provide calories in the range of 20-35% of your guideline daily allowance (GDA).
Apart from providing us with energy, breakfast foods are good sources of important nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protein and fibre.  The body needs these essential nutrients and research shows that if these are missed at breakfast, they are less likely to be compensated for later in the day.  Fruit and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals so try to include a portion of your daily five at breakfast, whether that be a banana or glass of fruit juice.
Breakfast can be good for waistline too, research shows those who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight and more likely to be within their ideal weight range compared with breakfast skippers.  If you skip breakfast, you're more likely to reach for high sugar and fatty snacks mid-morning.

Cognitive function

Boiled Egg with Cheese SoldiersBreakfast also restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function.  Many studies have shown how eating breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and it can also make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels.  In studies amongst children, breakfast can improve attainment, behaviour and has been linked to improved grades.  Just like any other organ in the body, the brain needs energy to work at it's best!

Energy needs

People's energy needs vary depending on activity levels and life stage but typically men require more energy than women.  Growing children require a lot of energy, as an example boys aged 7-10yrs should consume approx. 1970 kcals per day, and girls aged 7-10yrs should consume approx. 1740 kcals.  For adults, men require approx. 2500 kcals and women approx. 2000 kcals per day.

Long term health

The NHS says
"Eating breakfast has long term health benefits.  It can reduce obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes."
Breakfast is an excellent occasion to eat together as a family when possible.  Establishing good breakfast habits in childhood and maintaining them throughout adolescence may be an important factor in reducing the prevalence of breakfast skipping and developing good eating habits that last a lifetime.

So, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day!

Take a look at our breakfast ideas to give you some inspiration.
- See more at:

"Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dine like a Pauper"

It's a well known phrase, but do you follow it?

During a busy morning, it's easy to let breakfast fall low in your list of priorities, but taking just a few minutes to have something to eat can really make a difference to your day. If you don't have time to eat before leaving the house, we have lots of breakfast ideas that can be eaten on-the-go or when you get to work.

Breakfast MuesliBreakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing

Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast - that's where its name originates, breaking the fast!  Without breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like trying to start the car with no petrol!
Nutritionists advise that breakfast should be eaten within two hours of waking and a healthy breakfast should provide calories in the range of 20-35% of your guideline daily allowance (GDA).
Apart from providing us with energy, breakfast foods are good sources of important nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protein and fibre.  The body needs these essential nutrients and research shows that if these are missed at breakfast, they are less likely to be compensated for later in the day.  Fruit and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals so try to include a portion of your daily five at breakfast, whether that be a banana or glass of fruit juice.
Breakfast can be good for waistline too, research shows those who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight and more likely to be within their ideal weight range compared with breakfast skippers.  If you skip breakfast, you're more likely to reach for high sugar and fatty snacks mid-morning.

Cognitive function

Boiled Egg with Cheese SoldiersBreakfast also restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function.  Many studies have shown how eating breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and it can also make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels.  In studies amongst children, breakfast can improve attainment, behaviour and has been linked to improved grades.  Just like any other organ in the body, the brain needs energy to work at it's best!

Energy needs

People's energy needs vary depending on activity levels and life stage but typically men require more energy than women.  Growing children require a lot of energy, as an example boys aged 7-10yrs should consume approx. 1970 kcals per day, and girls aged 7-10yrs should consume approx. 1740 kcals.  For adults, men require approx. 2500 kcals and women approx. 2000 kcals per day.

Long term health

The NHS says
"Eating breakfast has long term health benefits.  It can reduce obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes."
Breakfast is an excellent occasion to eat together as a family when possible.  Establishing good breakfast habits in childhood and maintaining them throughout adolescence may be an important factor in reducing the prevalence of breakfast skipping and developing good eating habits that last a lifetime.

So, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day!

Take a look at our breakfast ideas to give you some inspiration.
- See more at:

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